In this article the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and organizational culture as well as connection between each other are analyzed. In the different business activity different forms of organizational culture and corporate social responsibility are relevant as they depend from work character and contact with society. Organizational culture involves everything that is closely connected with organization, beginning from value, employees intercommunions, creating of work atmosphere, employees clothing, and communication with clients as well as social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility is also reflected by employee's health administrative innovation, business learning, learning all life and environmental questions which directly reflect in the organization's management and organizational culture. The main purpose of this article is to do the research in the Lithuanian social responsibility organizations and not social responsibility organizations to look how they investigated in practice organizational culture and CRS norms as well. The object: the connection between organizational culture and corporate social responsibility. Methods: Analyze of science literature, synthesis, questionnaire, and statistics data analyzing using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) programme. The results shows that companies by carrying out social responsibility and creating organizational culture have a better image, added value, are much more attractive to partners, customers and higher - skilled workers, have better developed organizational structure and teamwork, are flexible - it develops a positive relationship between employees and society. In general, these two organization philosophies are quite similar as they both convey from values and we can say that corporate social responsibility and organizational culture supplement each other.