In situ location of phytoene desaturase, a key enzyme in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway, has been investigated in chloroplasts from higher plants. For this purpose, an antiserum has been raised against the phytoene desaturase from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942 overexpressed in E. coli. The specifity of this antiserum was demonstrated by inhibition of the enzymatic desaturation reaction in vitro. The antiserum was further purified and immunoabsorbed with E. coli proteins. The resulting IgG-fraction was tested by western blotting against membrane proteins from chloroplasts of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Atlanta). Apparent molecular masses of immunoreactive proteins were 62 and 64 kDa. A western blot of different membrane fractions of spinach chloroplasts (inner and outer envelopes, and thylakoids) indicated a localization of the phytoene desaturase in thylakoids. A post embedding immunogold microscopy procedure was employed. In these experiments the main labelling (79%) was associated with thylakoid membranes of tobacco chloroplasts. Of the counted colloidal gold particles, 16% were found in the stroma. Only 5% were detected in the envelope membranes. These results give clear evidence that at least the majority of phytoene desaturase molecules is localized within thylakoid membranes of higher plant chloroplasts and that the presence of the enzyme in the envelope is of minor significance.