We have systematically searched for IPAS galaxies with 60-mum flux density larger than 0.6 Jy by means of the UK Schmidt Atlases in the Milky Way region (Absolute value of b < 15-degrees) between l = 230-degrees and 350-degrees. We find that 869 IRAS point sources are associated with galaxy images, about half of them being known galaxies and the other half newly identified galaxy candidates. There is some evidence that our sample is little contaminated by Galactic objects. Enhancements of the projected density of IRAS galaxies appear, even in the Milky Way region, along the extensions of three large angular scale filamentary structures visible in the distribution of galaxies in the ESO catalogue. In the enhanced density region at Puppis, around l = 240-degrees, the density of IPAS galaxies is higher at Absolute value of b < 5-degrees than at - 15-degrees < b < - 5-degrees and 5-degrees < b < 15-degrees.