Background: Suicide is one of the ten largest causes of death in the world. The rate of suicide is recently significantly increasing in Korea and the rate is relatively high, particularly in adolescence. The purpose of this study was to support the establishment of appropriate measures for prevention of suicide through a better recognition of suicide and to investigate the factors that lead to suicide in adolescence with high school students who have large risk factors of suicide due to entrance examination, future courses, etc. Methods: A questionnaire regarding the factors influencing the impulse of suicide was conducted to 770 high school students in eight high schools in Seoul and local areas between June 1 and July 31, 2005. Suicidal impulses was checked by SSI (scale for suicidal ideation). Depressive mood and internet addiction degrees was evaluated by BDI (Beck's depression inventory) and IAS (internet addiction scale), respectively. Results: The final subjects of the study were 719 (93.3%) high school students among 770 students in eight high schools in Seoul and local areas, excluding 51 (6.6%) students with insufficient response. There were, 362 (50.3%) male students and 357 (49.7%) female students. Among the total 443 (61.6%) of the subjects had a high risk of suicide. The risk was high in subjects whose parents were divorced, who solved their difficulties by themselves, either expressed suicidal ideation to friends or not expressed suicidal ideation, knew an suicidal internet site and had freguent visits to the internet site. And alcohol experience, drug abuse, BDI and IAS were also connected with a high risk of suicide (P<0.05). Marital status of parents, resolution of problems, expression of suicidal ideation, BDI and IAS were independent factors affecting SSI (OR= 3.7, 0.7, 0.8, 2.4, and 1.6, P<0.05) in logistic regression analysis. Conclusion: High suicidal risk is associated with complex factors. We have discovered several causes which augment the impulse of suicide in adolescence. They are parent's divorce or separation, an expression of suicidal ideation, depressive mood, and the extent of internet addiction, etc. Therefore in order, to prevent adolescent suicide, a unified personal, family, and social efforts are required.