Field experiments were conducted during kharif seasons of 1986-87 and 1987-88 at JNKVV Research Farm, Kuthulia, Rewa (M.P.) to evaluate weed control measure in pigeonpea + sorghum intercropping system. Interculture twice (15 and 35 DAS) by hand-hoe, followed by intra-row hand weeding controlled the maximum weed-flora and recorded the highest total productivity in terms of pigeonpea equivalent (22.35-26.03 q/ha). The second best method was manual weeding 15 and 35 DAS. Amongst the weedicides, both fluchloralin and metolachlor were equally effective, but these weedicides together with intercultivation resulted in much higher weed control and grain production. Highest net returns were obtained from interculture (15 and 35 DAS) followed by intra - row hand weeding.