Translational medicine, which is a new concept appearing in the field of international medical health in the past three or four years, forms a discipline of the system medicine (including systematic pathology, diagnosis and comprehensive treatment as well as pharmacology, etc) synchronizing with personalized medicine and predictable medicine. It is a branch of medical research trying to build a better bridge between the basic studies and the clinical medical treatment. It can promote the predicative, prognostic and personalized medicines by the evaluation and application of molecular markers, the individual therapies based on molecular subtypes and the evaluation and predication of therapeutic responses and prognosis. And its purpose is to build a direct connection between basic research and clinical practice so as to transform the knowledge and achievements of basic research into new therapeutic methods in clinic, which can be used to serve the clinic and solve clinical problems. Nevertheless, the study on translational medicine is limited, and there are few review articles about the progress of translational medicine in English. With the development of innovative and new technology, the therapeutic methods become more accurate and diverse, and the translational medicine will make outstanding advances and provide more space for the future treatment of various diseases so as to better serve the clinical practices and the patients. In addition, except the outstanding achievements, there are still multiple plights in the translational medicine research. Therefore, this study aimed to review the current status and the present problems in translational medicine, hoping to expand the study outcomes in China to the whole world.