The family structure consisting of parents and children is adversely affected by the in-family conflicts during a divorce process. As the reasons of a divorce, infidelity, alcohol consumption and ego-centric modem life primarily distort the normal course of life between couples and finally destroy the unity of a family. As understood in the verses from Koran and hadiths, divorce stems from the weakness of religious life and it is not welcommed. Adversities in the process of a divorce primarily cause long-lasting effects between the couples and damage their life and psychological orders. Children are the ones affected most in the course of a divorce. The fall of a family, a haven for children, affects children deeply and damages their sense of belonging and trust. The psycho-social life of a child, who doesn't feel himself safe and whose anxiety-level increases, is doomed to fail. Creating a spiritual atmosphere for children in such a distressing process and the assistance of relatives can partially restore their psycho-social life.