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Bina, KG
Park, M
O'Dowd, DK
摘要:Previous studies in postnatal mouse demonstrating high levels of alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on layer IV somatosensory cortical neurons coincident with the onset of functional synaptic transmission led us to investigate whether the number and/or the localization of these receptors could be regulated by activity. Accordingly, we examined alpha-bungarotoxin binding in mouse somatosensory cortex following removal of all of the vibrissae on one side of the face, either by vibrissal follicle cauterization or daily plucking beginning on the day of birth. Following vibrissa plucking, the levels of [I-125]alpha-bungarotoxin binding on postnatal day 6 were significantly higher (23 +/- 7%) in the denervated cortex (contralateral to the peripheral manipulation) than the intact cortex. Cauterization also resulted in significantly higher (14 +/- 3%) [I-125]alpha-bungarotoxin binding in the contralateral vs. the ipsilateral cortex. In contrast, there was no difference in [I-125]alpha-bungarotoxin binding in the left and right cortices of unoperated control animals. At postnatal day 14, levels of [I-125]alpha-bungarotoxin binding in layer IV were very low in control animals as well as in animals subjected to whisker plucking or cautery. These findings suggest that reducing activity in the somatosensory pathway regulates the density of alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors during the first postnatal week. However, the normal decrease in receptor density that is seen during the second postnatal week of development proceeds despite altered sensory activity. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Buritova, J
Besson, JM
Bernard, JF
摘要:The effect of graded inflammatory stimuli (intraplantar-carrageenan, 0.2, 1, and 6 mg/150 mu l) on paw edema and c-Fos protein expression at two levels of the spinoparabrachial pathway the spinal cord and parabrachial area (PB), were studied. The present study, in awake rats, is an extension of previous study (Bester et al. [1997] J. Comp. Neurol. 383:339-458) which evaluated, in anesthetized rats, the effect of graded cutaneous heat stimulation on c-Fos-expression at the same levels. At the spinal level, the c-Fos-protein-like-immunoreactive (c-Fos-LI) neurons were located primarily in superficial laminae ipsilateral to intraplantar carrageenan. The number of c-Fos-LI neurons increased dose dependently (r = 0.973, n = 24) for carrageenan, from a number close to zero for the saline injection. At the PB level, c-Fos was predominantly expressed contralateral to intraplantar carrageenan, c-Fos-LI neurons were located primarily around the pontomesencephalic junction in (i) a restricted pontine area, centered in the lateral crescent, and including an adjacent part of the outer portion of the external lateral subnucleus, and (ii) the mesencephalic superior lateral subnuclei. The number of c-Fos-LI neurons in the PB area was correlated with that in the superficial laminae (r = 0.935, n = 24) and with the paw edema (r = 0.931, n = 24). No significant changes in c-Fos expression were observed in the nucleus of the solitary tract and ventrolateral medulla. The close correlation between c-Fos expression at both the spinal and PB levels and inflammatory edema provides further evidence for the involvement of spinoparabrachial pathway in inflammatory nociceptive processes. The present results are congruent with the existence of electrophysiologically demonstrated spinoparabrachio-amygdaloid and -hypothalamic nociceptive pathways. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Halfter, W
Schurer, B
摘要:Bacterial collagenase was injected into the ventricular cavity of the optic tectum of chick and quail embryos. Histological examination up to 6 days after enzyme injection revealed that the collagenase disrupted the pial basal lamina, which was evident by the fragmented distribution of basal lamina proteins at the pial surface of the midbrain and the brainstem. Although the disrupted basal lamina was not reestablished at later stages of development, the pial basal lamina of the newly developing neuroepithelium in the caudal part of the tectum was continuous and intact. Western blot analysis showed that the collagenase digested collagens but spared noncollagenous proteins. The disruption of the pial basal lamina caused the neuroepithelial cells to retract their pial end feet and caused tectal axons to exit the brain tissue into the adjacent mesenchyme. The vertical migration of neuroblasts to the pial layers of the tectum was inhibited, leading to a disruption of the tectal histogenesis. In the developing optic pathways, retinal axons were misguided at the optic chiasma and terminated in the head mesenchyme instead of the tectum. None of the abnormalities in histogenesis and axonal pathways were observed when the basal lamina was disrupted at a later stage of embryonic development. The present experiments demonstrate that the pial basal lamina has an important function during brain morphogenesis in restricting axons to the brain, providing an anchoring of the neuroepithelial cells to the pial surface, and allowing the formation of a defined cytoarchitecture of the brain. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Foster, EF
Bottjer, SW
摘要:Neuronal connections of the High Vocal Center (HVC), a cortical nucleus of songbirds necessary for learned vocal behavior, and the region adjacent to HVC called paraHVC (pHVC), mere studied in adult and juvenile male zebra finches. Extremely small injections of fluorescent dextran amines or biocytin were made within subregions of HVC and pHVC to define the precise nature and development of these pathways. In adults, all HVC injections produced an even, nontopographic distribution of retrograde label throughout the medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (mMAN), the interfacial nucleus (NIf), and the uvaeform nucleus of the thalamus (Uva) and an even distribution of anterograde label within area X of the striatum and the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA). These same patterns of projections were present in juvenile birds 20-23 days of age, including the projection from HVC to RA, which has previously been reported to develop only after 25-30 days of age. Results also establish a novel efferent projection fi om PNC to pHVC in both juvenile and adult birds. Injections into pHVC indicate that this region receives afferent input from song control areas HVC, mMAN, medial regions of the parvicellular shell of lateral MAN, NIf, and Uva and projects to Area X, caudomedial regions of striatum, and regions of the caudomedial neostriatum (NCM). Thus, neuronal connections of pHVC are highly integrated with circuitry important for vocal behavior and are distinct from those of HVC. Such differences establish HVC and pHVC as separate brain areas and suggest that each may serve a different function in vocal behavior. Control injections in both juveniles and adults produced specific patterns of projections from areas outside of HVC to areas outside of RA, illustrating an overall spatial organization of projections from HVC and neighboring cortical areas. Further, although neuronal connections of HVC are not topographic, projections of HVC, pHVC, and surrounding areas demonstrate a broad spatial organization of efferents to striatum and regions surrounding RA, thus defining a level of organization beyond that of individual song control nuclei. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Bahr, BA
Hoffman, KB
Yang, AJ
Hess, US
Glabe, CG
Lynch, G
摘要:A critical issue concerning Alzheimer's disease is its selectivity, which leads to cellular degeneration in certain brain areas but not in others, and whether this pathogenic selectivity involves products of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Here, we show that the amyloid beta protein A beta(1-42) is accumulated gradually and is retained intact by field CA1, but not by other subdivisions, of organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. In contrast, the slightly shorter A beta(1-40) peptide was not sequestered selectively. Sequestration of A beta(1-42) was followed by the build-up of carboxyterminal fragments of the endogenous precursor protein that were identified by immunoprecipitation. Unlike the peptide uptake, this induction appeared to be stochastic at the cellular level. In addition, the APP fragments were distributed more broadly within the CA1 pyramidal neurons than the sequestered A beta(1-42), and they appeared to be localized to synaptic terminals in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus and in the stratum lacunosum-moleculare of the subfield CA3. Concentrations of synaptophysin, a presynaptic marker, decreased as the number of neurons producing amyloidogenic species increased. These results indicate that exogenous A beta(1-42) sets into motion a sequence that involves 1) selective uptake of the peptide by vulnerable cells at risk in Alzheimer's disease, 2) markedly enhanced production of amyloidogenic precursor material, and 3) slow deterioration of central synapses. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss Inc.
De Castro, F
Cobos, I
Puelles, L
Martinez, S
摘要:Calretinin (CaR) is a calcium-binding protein that is distributed extensively in the central nervous system. It is localized in the cell bodies and neurites of specific neuronal populations and serves, therefore, as a reliable anatomical marker. Some components of the pretectocerebellar projection, which connects specific pretectal nuclei to caudal cerebellar folia, are concerned with the cerebellar control of visual reflexes. We investigated the distribution of pretectocerebellar-projecting neurons in relation to cells that show CaR immunoreactivity. Cells that project to the cerebellar cortex in the diencephalic primary visual nuclei and in other grisea, like the nucleus spiriformis medialis and the nucleus dorsofrontalis, colocalized with those that appeared to be immunolabeled intensely with anti-CaR antiserum. To explore the hypothesis of a common developmental origin of these pretectal cerebellopetal neurons, we also investigated the development of CaR-immunopositive cells in the chick pretectum and the arrival of their fibers in the cerebellum, from 10 days of incubation (stage 36) to posthatching stages. Finally, we analyzed the source of CaR+ climbing fibers and found a subpopulation of CaR+ cells in the inferior olivary nucleus. On the whole, these results suggest that there is a common developmental origin of pretectal cerebellopetal neurons, some of which share the property of CaR expression. The functional significance of this correlation needs to be investigated. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:149-162, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Happe, HK
Morley, BJ
摘要:The cochlear nucleus (CN) is the first site in the central nervous system (CNS) for processing auditory information. Acetylcholine in the CN is primarily extrinsic and is an important neurotransmitter in efferent pathways thought to provide CNS modulation of afferent signal processing. Although muscarinic acetylcholine receptors have been studied in the CN, the role of nicotinic receptors has not. We examined the distribution of one nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtype, the alpha-bungarotoxin receptor (alpha Bgt), in the CN. Quantitative autoradiography was used to localize receptors and in situ hybridization was used to localize alpha 7 mRNA in CN neurons that express the alpha Bgt receptor. Binding sites for alpha Bgt are abundant in the anterior ventral, posterior ventral, and dorsal divisions of the CN, and receptor density is low in the granule cell layer and interstitial nucleus. Heterogeneity in CN subregions is described. Four distinct patterns of alpha Bgt binding were observed: (1) binding over and around neuronal cell bodies, (2) receptors locally surrounding neurons, (3) dense punctate binding in the dorsal CN (DCN) not associated with neuronal cell bodies, and (4) diffuse fields of alpha Bgt receptors prominent in the DCN molecular layer, a field underlying the granule cell layer and in the medial sheet. The perikaryial receptors are abundant in the ventral CN (VCN) and are always associated with neurons expressing mRNA for the receptor. Other neurons in the VCN also express alpha 7 mRNA, but without alpha Bgt receptor expression associated with the cell body. In general, alpha Bgt receptor distribution parallels cholinergic terminal distribution, except in granule cell regions rich in cholinergic markers but low in alpha Bgt receptors. The findings indicate that alpha Bgt receptors are widespread in the CN but are selectively localized on somata, proximal dendrites, or distal dendrites depending on the specific CN subregion. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that descending cholinergic fibers modulate afferent auditory signals by regulating intracellular Ca2+ through alpha Bgt receptors. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:163-180, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley Liss, Inc.
Campagne, MV
Gill, R
摘要:The tumor-suppressor protein p53 has been implicated in cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death in dividing cells (Yonish-Rouach et al. [1991] Nature 352:342-347). To elucidate possible functions of p53 in the regulation of cell division and cell death during development of the rat central nervous system, we compared the spatial and temporal expressions of p53 mRNA and protein with those of its transcriptional targets Bax, p21(Waf1) and cyclin G1 and with the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p27(Kip1), p57(Kip2), and p16(Ink-4a). From embryonic day 14 until the second postnatal week, p53 mRNA and protein were found predominantly in proliferating zones, including the cells of the emerging external granular layer of the cerebellum, and the ventricular and the subventricular zones of the forebrain. At all postnatal ages, there was a high expression of p53 mRNA and protein in cells of the rostral migratory stream, a well-defined pathway along which precursor cells of olfactory interneurons migrate from the ventricular and subventricular zones toward the olfactory bulb. In addition to its expression in proliferating cell populations, p53 was expressed in postmitotic cells of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus at embryonic and early postnatal stages. p53, p27(Kip1), p16(Ink4a) and baxa InRNA colocalized in the ventricular and subventricular zones at embryonic and early postnatal stages, but the distribution of p53 differed from that of its transcriptional targets cyclin G1 and p21(Waf1) and from that of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57(Kip2), which were predominantly expressed in fully differentiated neurons. Double-labeling studies showed that p53 mRNA and protein were absent in cells undergoing developmental cell death, as identified by the presence of single- or double-stranded nuclear DNA breaks. Protein levels of p53 decreased during development in all brain areas studied. These results indicate a role for p53 in the control of cell division and early differentiation rather than in the control of cell death during rat brain development. The nonoverlapping temporal and spatial expression patterns of p53 and its transcriptional targets Bax, cyclin G1 and p21(Waf1) suggest that each of these gene products f'ulfill independent roles in brain morphogenesis. J. Comp. Neurol. 397.181-198, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Murase, S
Hayashi, Y
摘要:External granule cells in the premigratory zone and the upper molecular layer of neonatal rat cerebellum elongate their neurites (parallel fibers) bidirectionally before and during migration into the internal granular layer. In the present study, it is shown that integrin alpha v beta 5 heterodimer (INT alpha v beta 5) is expressed in parallel fibers in these layers at postnatal days 3-20, but not in migrating granule cells or mature parallel fibers. Vitronectin (VN), the dominant ligand for INT alpha v beta 5, was concomitantly detected in the premigratory zone and the upper molecular layer during this period. Several other subunits including alpha 1-6 and beta 1-4 were not detected. When granule cells were prepared from postnatal cerebella and cultured for a few days, the parallel fibers elongated well in response to VN, but the granule cells did not migrate on VN. This fiber elongation was specifically inhibited by both anti-INT alpha v beta 5 antibody and peptides containing Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD), a sequence responsible for cell adhesion mediated by VN. Neither control integrin antibody against integrin alpha v beta 3 heterodimer nor control peptides containing Arg-Gly-Glu (RGE) showed an inhibitory effect on fiber elongation. These observations strongly suggest that the INT alpha v beta 5 VN receptor plays a role in the elongation of parallel fibers from granule cells during cerebellar histogenesis, but its expression is not required for their maintenance or granule cell migration. INT alpha v beta 5 could be considered as a new marker of parallel fibers during cerebellar development. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:199-212, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss Inc.
Sobkowicz, HM
August, BK
Slapnick, SM
Luthy, DF
摘要:Synaptogenesis in the organ of Corti between the primary receptors, the inner hair cells, and the peripheral processes of their afferent spiral ganglion neurons in the mouse lasts for 5 days postnatally (Sobkowicz et al. [1986] J. Neurocytol. 15:693-714). The transplantation of the organ into culture at the fifth postnatal day induces a reactive sprouting of dendritic terminals and an extensive formation of new ribbon synapses within 24 hours. This reactive synaptogenesis differs strikingly fi om the primary synaptogenesis and has been seen thus far only in the inner hair cells. The synaptically engaged neuronal endings sprout a multitude of filopodia that intussuscept the inner hair cells. The filopodial tips contain a heavy electrondense matter that appears to attract the synaptic ribbons, which form new synaptic contacts with the growing processes. The intensity of the filopodial growth and synaptogenesis subsides in about 3 days; the filopodia undergo resorption, leaving behind fibrous cytoplasmic plaques mostly stored in the supranuclear part of the hair cells. However, occasional filipodial growth and formation of new synaptic connections continued. The data demonstrate that any disruption or disturbance of the initial synaptic contacts between the inner hair cells and their afferent neurons caused by transplantation results in prompt synaptic reacquisition. Furthermore, we suggest that the transitory phase of terminal sprouting and multiribbon synapse formation manifests a trophic dependence that develops postnatally between the synaptic cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:213-230, 1993. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Geyer, S
Matelli, M
Luppino, G
Schleicher, A
Jansen, Y
Palomero-Gallagher, N
Zilles, K
摘要:This study analyzes regional and laminar distribution patterns of neurotransmitter binding sites in the motor areas of the macaque mesial frontal cortex. Differences in distribution patterns are compared with the cytoarchitectonic parcellation. Binding sites were analyzed with quantitative in vitro receptor autoradiography in unfixed brains of five macaque monkeys. Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxalone propionic acid (AMPA), kainate, and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) binding sites were labeled with [H-3]AMPA, [H-3]kainate, and [H-3]MK-801, respectively, muscarinic binding sites with [H-3]pirenzepine or [H-3]oxotremorine-M, noradrenergic binding sites with [H-3]prazosin or [H-3]UK-14304, gamma-aminobutylic acid (GABA)(A) binding sites with [H-3]muscimol, and serotoninergic binding sites with [H-3]ketanserine. Adjacent sections were stained with a modified Nissl method for cytoarchitectonic analysis. In the motor areas F1, F3, and F6, [H-3]AMPA, [H-3]pirenzepine, and [H-3]oxotremorine-M binding was maximal in layers II, III, and V, and [H-3] kainate binding was maximal in layers V and VI. Clear-cut changes in laminar distribution patterns of [H-3]AMPA, [H-3]kainate, and [H-3]oxotrernorine-M binding sites very closely matched corresponding cytoarchitectonic borders. Mean areal binding densities of all ligands to F1, F3, and F6 were plotted as polar plots for each area. A polygon was obtained for each area ("neurochemical fingerprint") when all the density values belonging to one area were connected with each other. The "neurochemical fingerprints" of F1, F3, and F6 were virtually identical in shape but increased in size from F1 to F6. This result reflects the functional similarity of these motor-related areas and possibly correlates with their differential involvement in motor control. Areas F1, F3, and F6 can thus be grouped into one "neurochemical family" of areas. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:231-250, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Craig, PJ
McAinsh, AD
McCormack, AL
Smith, W
Beattie, RE
Priestley, JV
Yip, JLY
Averill, S
Longbottom, ER
Volsen, SG
摘要:The alpha(1) subunit provides both the voltage-sensing mechanism and the ion pore of voltage-dependent calcium channels. Of the six classes of alpha(1) subunit cloned to date, alpha(1) is the subject of debate in terms of its functional correlate, although it is generally thought to encode voltage-dependent calcium channels of the omega-agatoxin IVA-sensitive, P/Q type. In the present study, an alpha(1A)-specific riboprobe and antibody were used with in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemical techniques to :localise alpha(1A) messenger ribonucleic acid transcripts and subunit protein throughout the mature rat brain. Dual localisation of alpha(1A) protein and markers for acetylcholine, catecholamines, and 5-hydroxytryptamine have also been performed in a number of discrete areas. Abundant and widespread distribution of alpha(1A) protein was found, with immunoreactivity occurring both in cell bodies and as punctate staining in areas of neuronal processes. Several associations were noted across alpha(1A) localisation, defined neuroanatomical regions, and neurotransmitter systems. However, alpha(1A) expression was not confined to loci corresponding to any one neurotransmitter type, although a high level of expression was observed in cholinergic neurones. The distribution of the alpha(1A) subunit in the rat corresponded well with the limited human mapping data that are available. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:251-267, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Brookes, SJH
Hennig, G
Schemann, M
摘要:The projections of enteric neurons to the circular muscle of the guinea pig gastric corpus were investigated systematically by using the retrogradely transported fluorescent carbocyanine dye, 1,1'-didodecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethyl indocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI), applied to the muscle layer or myenteric plexus in vitro. DiI-labeled motor neuron cell bodies were located up to 6.3 mm aboral, 17 mm oral: and up to 20 mm circumferential to the DiI application site. Labeled nerve fibers ran for long distances from the DiI application site toward the greater and lesser curvatures, where they coursed parallel to the bundles of the "gastric sling" muscle. The majority of labeled cells were located toward the lesser curvature of the stomach. Nerve cell bodies that were aboral to the DiI application site were usually small, immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase, and, thus, were likely to be excitatory motor neurons. Neurons that were located orally were larger; fewer in number, and immunoreactive for nitric oxide synthase and, thus, were likely to be inhibitory motor neurons. Application of DiI directly to the myenteric plexus filled neurons up to 15 mm aborally and up to 21 mm orally but labeled few neurons circumferentially. All nerve cells that were filled from either the circular muscle or the myenteric plexus had Dogiel type I morphological features. These results demonstrate a clear polarity of projection of inhibitory and excitatory motor neurons and a functionally continuous innervation of the circular and gastric sling muscle layers. Nonmotor neurons in the myenteric plexus were demonstrated, but neurons with Dogiel type II morphological features are apparently absent. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:268-280, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Simmons, DD
Bertolotto, C
Kim, J
Raji-Kubba, J
Mansdorf, N
摘要:The relationship between the cholinergic expression, morphological development, and target cell innervation of olivocochlear (OC) efferent neurons was investigated in the postnatal hamster. Similar to what was found in previous studies, tracer injections into the contralateral cochlea labeled cells bodies retrogradely in periolivary regions and labeled cell bodies only rarely in the lateral superior olive (LSO). Few morphological differences were found among cell bodies labeled between postnatal day 1 (P1) and P30. Tracer injections into the crossed OC bundles within the brainstem anterogradely labeled terminals below the inner hair cells of the cochlea prior to P5 and labeled terminals below outer hair cells after P5, consistent with a period of transient innervation, as hypothesized previously. Within the superior olive, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) was expressed differentially. In periolivary regions, ChAT was expressed as early as P0. ChhT-immunoreactive cell bodies in periolivary regions were similar morphologically to retrogradely labeled OC neurons. In contrast, within the LSO, ChAT was not expressed until after P2. Consistent with a medial OC projection to the cochlea at early postnatal ages, ChAT immunoreactivity was detected below inner hair cells as early as P2 but was not detected below outer hair cells until after P6. Our results suggest that medial OC neurons not only provide transient connections to inner hair cells but also may express ChAT when they are below inner hair cells. Furthermore, these results raise the possibility that OC neurons may be capable of acetylcholine synthesis and release prior to or simultaneous with their innervation of the cochlea. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:281-295, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Meyer, G
Goffinet, AM
摘要:Reelin, the protein defective in reeler mutant mice, is a secreted glycoprotein involved in the architectonic development of the central nervous system, more particularly in the development of neocortical lamination. In mice, reelin mRNA and protein expression are most robust in horizontal neurons of the embryonic marginal zone (MZ). By using monoclonal anti-reelin antibodies (de Bergeyck et al. [1998] J. Neurosci. Methods), the morphology and evolution of reelin-expressing neurons were studied in the MZ of the prenatal human neocortex. At 11 gestational weeks (GW), the MZ contained a single layer of reelin-positive mono- or bipolar horizontal Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells. From 14 GW onward, the subpial granular layer (SGL) invaded the MZ, forming a transient layer of undifferentiated, initially reelin-negative granule cells. In parallel to the emergence of the SGL and the morphological differentiation of the CR cells, a second population of reelin-positive cells appeared within the SGL. These cells, termed CR-like cells, were intermediate in size and shape between the CR cells and SGL granule cells. Between 16 GW and 24 GW, the packing density of the reelin-producing cells remained remarkably stable, despite the continuous growth of the cortical surface. During this period, CR cells settled progressively deeper within the MZ, although they remained in contact with the pial surface through radially ascending processes. Most CR cells disappeared at around 27 GW, in parallel with the dissolution of the SGL. During the last weeks of gestation, reelin was expressed by a few medium-sized, often horizontal neurons. These observations show that different neuronal populations in the human MZ express reelin and suggest that a possible function of the SGL is to supply reelin-producing cells through a gradual transformation of reelin-negative precursor cells into reelin-immunoreactive CR-like cells, thus coping with the protracted neurogenesis and dramatic surface expansion of the human neocortex. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Waldvogel, HJ
Fritschy, JM
Mohler, H
Faull, RLM
摘要:The distribution of gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) (GABA(A)) receptors was investigated in the basal ganglia in the baboon brain by using receptor autoradiography and the immunohistochemical localisation of the alpha(1) and beta(2,3) subunits of the GABA(A) receptor by light and electron microscopy. In the caudate-putamen, the alpha(1) subunit was distributed in high densities in the matrix compartment, and the beta(2,3) subunits were more homogeneously distributed; the globus pallidus showed lower levels of the alpha(1) and beta(2,3) subunits. Four types of alpha(1) subunit immunoreactive neurons were identified in the baboon striatum: the most numerous (75%) were type 1 medium-sized aspiny neurons; type 2 (2%) were large aspiny neurons with an indented nuclear membrane located in the ventral striatum; type 3 neurons were the least numerous (1%) and were comprised of large neurons in the ventromedial regions of the striatum; and type 4 (22%) neurons were medium to large aspiny neurons located in striosomes. At the ultrastructural level, alpha(1) and beta(2,3) subunit immunoreactivity was localised in the neuropil of the striatum in both symmetrical and asymmetrical synaptic contacts. In the globus pallidus, alpha(1) and beta(2,3) subunits were localised on large neurons and were found in three types of synaptic terminals: type 1 terminals were small and established symmetrical synapses; type 2 terminals were large; and type 3 terminals formed small synaptic terminals with subjunctional dense bodies. These results show that the subunit composition of GABA(A) receptors varies between the striosome and the matrix compartments in the striatum and that there is receptor subunit homogeneity in the globus pallidus. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:297-325, 1998. 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Koulen, P
Garner, CC
Wässle, H
摘要:An elaborate network of transmitter receptors, synapse associated proteins (SAPs), and cytoskeletal elements, generally known as the postsynaptic density, is involved with efficient synaptic signaling. The localization of the synapse associated protein SAP102 was studied in the rat retina by using immunocytochemical methods. Immunofluorescence for SAP102 was most prominent in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). It had a punctate appearance, suggesting a synaptic clustering of SAP102 in the IPL. Electron microscopy by use of pre-embedding immunocytochemistry showed that SAP102 is concentrated in the IPL in processes which are postsynaptic at bipolar cell ribbon synapses (dyads).As a rule, only one of the two postsynaptic members of the dyad was labeled for SAP102. Double-labeling experiments were performed in order to find out whether SAP102 is involved with the clustering the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor 2A subunit (NR2A). Only a fraction (approximately 23%) of the SAP102 clusters expressed NR2A, suggesting SAP102 is also associated with other subunits or receptors. Distinct SAP102 labeling was also present in horizontal cell processes in the outer plexiform layer (OPL), which are inserted as lateral elements into photoreceptor ribbon synapses (triads). The optic nerve fibre layer was also diffusely immunoreactive for SAP102. The postsynaptic aggregation of SAP102 at bipolar cell dyads and at photoreceptor triads suggests SAP102 is associated with the clustering of transmitter receptors. However, the labeling of the optic nerve fibre layer indicates additional functions of SAP102 in the retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:326-336, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
McNamara, RK
Lenox, RH
摘要:The myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and MARCKS-related protein (MRP) are both membrane-associated phosphoproteins that interact with calmodulin and filamentous actin in a protein kinase C phosphorylation-dependent manner. In the present study, we examined MARCKS and MRP gene expression in the postnatal (P) rat brain (1, 7, 14, 21, and 90 days after birth) by using quantitative in situ hybridization. At P1, MRP expression was high in neocortex, striatum, thalamus, cerebellar cortex, and hippocampus (CA1-CA3, hilus, and granule cell layer) but low in brainstem and, between P7 and P14, exhibited a dramatic decline in each of these regions except hippocampal CA1 and granule cell layers. Between P14 and P21, MRP expression increased in white matter regions including the corpus callosum, fimbria/fornix, and cerebellar deep white matter. At P90 (adult), MRP remained strongly expressed in the olfactory bulb, medial habenula, hippocampal CA1, and the inner two-thirds of granule cell layer, temporal, and entorhinal cortices, the corpus callosum and fimbria/fornix, and cerebellar white matter. At P1, MARCKS was strongly expressed in the majority of brain regions except the brainstem, which subsequently declined gradually to approximate adult levels by P14. Between P14 and P21, MARCKS expression declined gradually in the hilus, remained elevated in hippocampal CA1, CA3, and granule cell layers, and increased dramatically in the corpus cellosum and fimbria/fornix. At P90, MARCKS expression declined in hippocampal CA3 and hilus and remained strongly expressed in hippocampal CA1 and granule cell layers, regions of the olfactory bulb, the medial habenula, temporal cortex, and cerebellar granule and Purkinje cells. Expression of both MARCKS and MRP in regions undergoing neuronal proliferation, migration, and neurite outgrowth suggest a common role in these, developmental events, whereas differences in expression during development and in the adult brain provide evidence of differential regulation. J. Comp. Neurol. 397.337-356, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Dai, JP
Van der Vliet, J
Swaab, DF
Buijs, RM
摘要:Animal experimental studies have shown that the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT) is an anatomical and functionally distinct retinofugal pathway mediating photic entrainment of circadian rhythms. In the present study, RHT projections were studied in the human brain by our recently developed postmortem tracing technique with neurobiotin as a tracer. Similar patterns of labeling were observed in brains of one control subject without neurological! or mental disorders and five patients with Alzheimer's disease. The topography of RHT projections has several characteristics. (1) RHT fibers leave the optic chiasm and enter the hypothalamus medially and laterally at the anterior level of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). (2) The medial fibers enter the ventral part of the SCN and innervate the ventral SCN over its entire length, but the density decreases gradually from anterior to posterior. Labeled RHT fibers in the SCN make contact mainly with immunocytochemically positive neurotensin or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide neurons and only occasionally with vasopressin-positive neurons located in the ventral part of the SCN. (3) Only few projections to the dorsal part of the SCN and the anteroventral part of the hypothalamus were found. (4) Lateral projections reach the ventral part of the ventromedial SON and the area lateral to the SCN. No projections were observed to other hypothalamic areas. The presence of an RHT in humans suggests that the RHT may serve a function in humans similar to that demonstrated in animals. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:357-370, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Jones, EG
Tighilet, B
Tran, BV
Huntsman, MM
摘要:Subcortical and corticothalamic inputs excite thalamic neurons via a diversity of glutamate receptor subtypes. Differential expression of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA), kainate, and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits (GluR1-4; GluR5-7; NR1, NR2A-D) on a nucleus- and cell type-specific basis was examined by quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry and by immunocytochemical staining for receptor subunits and colocalized gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) or calcium binding proteins. Levels of NMDA subunit expression, except NR2C, are higher than for the most highly expressed AMPA (GluR1,3,4) and kainate (GluR6) receptor subunits. Expression of NR2C, GluR2, GluR5, and GluR7 is extremely low. Major differences distinguish the reticular nucleus and the dorsal thalamus and, within the dorsal thalamus, the intralaminar and other nuclei. In the reticular nucleus, GluR4 is by far the most prominent, and NMDA receptors are at comparatively low levels. In the dorsal thalamus, NMDA receptors predominate. Anterior intralaminar nuclei are more enriched in GluR4 and GluR6 subunits than other nuclei, whereas posterior intralaminar nuclei are enriched in GluR1 and differ among themselves in relative NMDA receptor subunit expression. GABAergic intrinsic neurons of the dorsal thalamus express much higher levels of GluR1 and GluR6 receptor subunits than do parvalbumin- or calbindin-immunoreactive relay cells and low or absent NMDA receptors. Relay cells are dominated by NMDA receptors, along with GluR3 and GluR6 subunits not expressed by GABA cells. High levels of NR2B are found in astrocytes. Differences in NMDA and non-NMDA receptor profiles will affect functional properties of the thalamic GABAergic and relay cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 397:371-393, 1998. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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