Recent computations of the mechanical advantage of the canine intercostal muscles have suggested that the inspiratory advantage of the parasternal intercostals is not uniform. In the present studies, we have initially tested this hypothesis. Using a caliper and markers implanted in the costal cartilages, we have thus measured, in four supine paralyzed dogs, the length of the medial, middle, and lateral parasternal fibers at functional residual capacity and after a l-liter mechanical inflation. With inflation, the medial fibers always shortened more than did the middle fibers (-9.8 +/- 0.8 vs. -6.0 +/- 0.8%; P < 0.001), whereas the lateral fibers remained virtually constant in length (-0.2 +/- 0.8%). This gradient of mechanical advantage agreed well with the gradient of orientation of the muscle fibers. Therefore, we have also recorded the electromyograms of the medial, middle, and lateral parasternal bundles during spontaneous breathing in nine anesthetized animals (20 interspaces); each activity was expressed as a percentage of the activity recorded during tetanic, supramaximal stimulation of the internal intercostal nerve (maximal activity). The medial bundle was invariably more active than was the middle bundle during resting breathing (57.3 +/- 3.3 vs. 25.5 +/- 3.4% of maximum; P < 0.001), and in 10 interspaces, medial activity consistently preceded middle activity at the onset of inspiration. These differences persisted during hypercapnia, during inspiratory resistive loading, as well as after phrenicotomy. Activity was never recorded from the lateral bundle. The fact that the parasternal intercostals in the dog have a mediolateral gradient of mechanical advantage and show a mediolateral gradient of activation during breathing supports the idea that the pattern of respiratory muscle activation minimizes the work of breathing.