Water is an indispensable resource to mankind and life in general. Over the world, issues of water scarcity and quality are becoming pronounced with increasing global population, industrialization and urbanization. Developmental activities of man can lead to the deterioration of surface and groundwater. As a result, groundwater has become an important source of water supply throughout the world. This research is very necessary in these communities because of associated cost with purchasing of land due to nearness to the KNUST. The communities serve as residence for students, lecturers and the business community as well. As a consequence, the small pieces of land acquired for building virtually does not give roomfor considering the siting of septic tanks and underground water, which is the most common source of water in these communities. In this study, water samples were taken from eight purposively sampled wells/boreholes at Ayeduase, Kotei and Boadi communities where septic tanks are within 0-39 m to the well/borehole. However, a control well without septic tank within the radius of above 39 m was chosen. Samples taken fromwells were analysed in the laboratory for Escherichia coli, salmonella, faecal coliforms, non-faecal coliforms and total coliforms. E. coli was found present in 25% wells and 25% boreholes sampled. Salmonella and faecal coliforms were found in 75% the boreholes/well except the control well and BH2. Non-faecal coliforms count was 100% in all boreholes/wells. The study reveals that, water in the study communities contain some levels of contaminants and raises questions about its suitability for drinking and domestic use.