The problem of Early School Leaving (ESL) is currently one of the biggest concerns for the different Spanish educational authorities. This article aims to present the perception of the students at risk of ESL on the personal skills of father and mother, the educational supervision and communication with them. Also we examine what variables of the family context predict the risk of early school leavers according to family typology. This will allow us to implement parent education programs in schools, evidence-based, to promote parenting skills of fathers and mothers and help reduce the risk of ESL. The sample consists of a total of 3574 students of Secondary Education of the Canary Islands and 2229 families of these students. For data collection they have been used in this research different scales: parenting skills, communication parents / children and parental supervision. In relation to the perception of students about parenting skills, students at risk of ESL reports that both parents have fewer skills and personal development resilience and organization of family educational setting and educational competence. Students have also a more violent communication with both parents, as well as less open communication with the mother. Meanwhile, parents of students who are at risk of ESL report conducting lower educational supervision over their children. Finally, we show two explanatory models predicting educational continuity or ESL through academic performance, according to family typology, both heteroparental as single parents. To provide an effective educational response in prevention of ESL, we propose the implementation in schools of group parent education programs; these programs are based on an experiential methodology and on evidences.