Central de Tratamento de Efluentes Liquidos S/A, is responsible for the treatment of the majority of the industrial wastes generated by more than fifty industries forming the Petrochemical Complex at Camacari. The hazardous wastes that cannot be handled by the central biological station have up to this year been stored in various types of "containers," from large tanks, to barrels or disposal trenches. To meet the requirements of an expanding Complex generating organic-chloride wastes, and to meet more rigorous environment standards, CETREL is implanting a unit for the incineration of hazardous liquid residuals. The plant, intended to start processing wastes in October of this year, will serve principally four companies; CPC, NITROCLOR, SILINOR and QUIMIFINA, which produce liquid chlorinated hydrocarbon residues mixed with nitrogen and silicon compounds. The incinerator will have a nominal capacity of 10,000 t/year of residue and is designed to treat wastes such as PCBs, BHC, and other pesticides. Residence time in the afterburner is greater than two seconds at 1450-degrees-C, which permits a destruction and removal efficiency of 99.9999%. With respect to hazardous solid wastes CETREL is presently defining the requirements of the Petrochemical Complex and the surrounding industries to determine the capacity and type of incinerating unit that is most suitable. This paper presents CETREL's experience which led to the definition and construction of a multipurpose liquid waste incinerator and why it is now planning to build a solid waste incinerator within the next three years.