Continent urinary diversion has become increasingly popular in the last few years and there are now several situations in which ileal conduit diversion, continent diversion and orthotopic reconstruction of the lower urinary tract are equally valid options. This review was intended to determine specific indications for each. Of 513 patients treated for severe lower urinary tract problems in the last 10 years, 399 underwent orthotopic reconstruction, 68 underwent continent diversion and 46 had an ileal conduit. Problems occurred 2 to 3 times more commonly in the continent diversion group than in either of the other groups. Given a free choice, most patients would choose an orthotopic reconstruction and this should probably be regarded as the gold standard. Continent diversion is specifically indicated in male patients who require a total cystourethrectomy for bladder cancer, in severe post-radiotherapy problems, and in patients with neuropathic bladder dysfunction in whom, for various reasons, self-catheterisation is impossible. Ileal conduit diversion remains the simplest and safest technique in high-risk patients and does not preclude a subsequent continent diversion or orthotopic reconstruction,