The article is devoted to the realities of a multi-ethnic Kazakhstan society bilingualism topic. The subjects of analysis are socio-pedagogical aspects and models of bi-and-polylingual education. The author aims to determine the characteristics of the phenomenon as one of the conditions for the implementation of the trinity of languages policy. The article is exploratory in nature, reflected in the fact that the author by analyzing scientific interpretations reveal the specifics of the linguistic, psychological, sociological, pedagogical and other aspects of bi- and multilingualism.The article discusses the features of the bi-and-polylingual education in the realities of the Kazakhstan society, learning model, which is proposed to use in the process of learning the language subjects cycle. The most promising author considers the additive model and parity both procedurally and substantively consistent with the objectives of modern language learning system disciplines cycle, ensuring the implementation of the social order in the preparation of competent language personality, capable of freely speech activity and implement communication needs by means of two or more languages. The author believes that the learning model data can be the basis for the development of integrated educational technology aimed towards bilingual personality, owning the most popular languages in society.