Introduction: Ovarian tumors when occur, endanger two lives, mother and that of fetus. It becomes a therapeutic challenge to evaluate the necessity of immediate intervention for maternal indication versus delaying therapy for fetal indication.(1 )Majority of these cysts are benign and usually are functional cysts, dermoid or cystadenomas.(2) 2-5%of adnexal masses during pregnancy are true malignant neoplasms.(3) Ovarian cancer being the second most frequent gynaecological cancer complicating pregnancy has an average estimated incidence of 1 in 2500 deliveries.(4) Keeping in view all that, a study was conducted in Fatima Memorial Hospital to see maternal and fetal outcome of pregnancies complicated by ovarian tumors. Objective: To determine the maternal and fetal outcome of pregnancies complicated by ovarian tumors. Study Design: Case series descriptive study. Setting: The study was conducted in obstetrics and gynaecology department of Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore. Duration of Study: This study was conducted for one year. Subjects and Method: All 14500 pregnant ladies, who visited antenatal clinic and emergency of Fatima Memorial Hospital Lahore for one year, were considered to sort out pregnancies complicated by a co-existent ovarian mass of > 5 cm. Results: Of all 36 patients, included in current study, 24 had surgical and 12 had conservative management. Obstetric outcome revealed one preterm delivery after conservative management. Surgical intervention resulted in two abortions, two preterm and twenty term deliveries. In both groups, the ratio of abdominal and vaginal delivery was 1:2 respectively. Fetal outcome revealed only one preterm and one IUGR infant in conservative group while surgically managed group revealed two preterm infants, two IUGR and one infant with septicemia. Conclusion: Surgical intervention is a reasonable approach to deal with cases of ovarian tumors with pregnancy, but conservative management may also have comparable obstetric outcome provided the selection criteria for patient is, asymptomatic ovarian mass of less than 8cm that is not suspected of malignancy.