The University of South Carolina's Department of Mechanical Engineering has, over the last nine years, developed a course in the fundamentals of microprocessors for the undergraduate mechanical engineering student. This required class is designed to give the student a broad exposure to the abilities and limitations of microprocessors enabling them to effectively communicate with others when dealing with control systems. With the increasing use of microprocessor controls of mechanical systems, it is necessary for mechanical engineering students to have a basic knowledge of microprocessors and their associated interfaces with the mechanical world. Our course at the University of South Carolina, Fundamentals of Microprocessors, addresses these concerns through a combination of in-class instruction and weekly laboratory sessions. The course is based on the Motorola 6811 microprocessor and the laboratory utilizes Motorola's 6811EVB evaluation board. The students are given in-class instruction on microprocessor architecture, basic machine level programming, logic, parallel and serial communications, timer functions, analog-to-digital conversion, digital-to-analog conversion, motor control and basic interfacing circuitry. Each of these topics is reinforced through the use of laboratory instruction. There are nine labs: Basics of the 6811, Logic Circuits, Parallel Communications, Serial Communications, Event Timing, Interrupts, D.C. Motor Circuit Construction, D.C. Motor Control, Stepper Motor Control, and Analog-to-Digital Conversion. The capstone of the class is a student designed, and built, final project utilizing the unique abilities of the microprocessor.