The stomach contents of red mullet collected in the Amvrakikos Gulf of Greece during five samplings between November 1986 and February 1987 were analysed. Fullness indices fluctuated in relation to month and area of capture. Significantly greater quantities of food were found in the stomachs of specimens in the western part of the Gulf in September. Polychaetes were the primary food item in three of the five samplings. Bivalves, the second most important prey. showed great seasonal fluctuations. Crustaceans were third, while gastropods, echinoids and sipunculids, although occurring frequently in the stomachs, were of minor importance. There were differences in quantity and, to a lesser degree, quality between the diet of male and female red mullet, possibly related to sexual differences in growth rate. Cluster analysis revealed that the prey species composition in the stomachs of red mullet was influenced by area of capture rather than fish length. Possible relations of food availability to the migration pattern of the species are also discussed.