Objective:This study is aimed to investigate the role of perceived social support in predicting psychological disorders in people with physical disability and its comparison with normal subjects. Materials & Methods:In this descriptive analytic study, 49 subjects with physical disability were chosen by simple random sampling and 50 subjects were selected among ordinary people by available sampling. Data were gathered with Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-21) and Multidimensional Scale for Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and were analyzed by statistical tests of chi-square, T-Test and multivariate regression on SPSS-16. Results:Results showed that there are significant differences between physical disabled subjects and normal subjects with respect to their stress (P<0.05), anxiety, depression and important individuals support (P<0.001). There are also significant correlations between the stress of physical disabled individuals with support of friends and important individuals; between the depression of physical disabled individuals and support of friends, family, important individuals and their total social support; and finally between the anxiety of physical disabled individuals and support of friends, family and important individuals (P<0.05).The results of regression analysis showed that models about the prediction of stress, depression and anxiety based on perceived social support were significant for people with physical disability and normal subjects (P<0.001). Conclusion:These results have amplifications about the prevention of social and psychological dysfunctions and are usable in rehabilitation for people with physical disability.