Background : The post-take ward round (PTWR) provides formal consultant review of acutely unwell patients admitted to hospital, yet specialist medical registrars, the consultants of tomorrow, receive little to no formal training in this area. There is an expectation that 'on the job' experience will provide sufficient preparation for this important aspect of clinical leadership. Methods : We aimed to seek the opinions of medical registrars on the use of a structured considerative checklist and learning-by-example approach in PTWR leadership training, assessing whether this model influences current and future practice. This was studied through a questionnaire-based survey of medical registrars working in Worthing Hospital from 2009 to 2011. Results : Eighteen of 25 registrars (72%) across a range of specialties returned questionnaires. Although a third of respondents had spent time considering how they conduct ward rounds, none had received formal training, with most feeling that ward round skills were acquired 'on the job' from observation and experience of those conducted by senior colleagues. Exposure to the considerative checklist changed thinking in 94 per cent and changed practice in 88 per cent. Common positive themes included enhanced pre-ward round preparation, the importance of inclusion and communication, and the need for structure (facilitated by physical or mental checklist). Seventeen of 18 participants felt that this training would influence their consultant practice. Discussion : Trainees respond positively to participation in a structured PTWR using a considerative checklist as a model of good practice, leading to changes in their current and future practice, and could be considered as a training tool.