The spastic rat is a neurological mutant of the Han-Wistar strain with prominent spasticity, tremor, and ataxia. Neurodegeneration is found in the CA3 sector of the hippocampus and in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. We examined the forebrain and cerebellum of spastic rats for glial reactions by using immunolabelling for the astrocytic marker, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). First, a map of the GFAP-distribution was made representing a systematic series of frontal sections in controls. Reactive astrocytes with increased GFAP should occur in the areas with established neuronal degeneration, but they could also demarcate further regions with pathology in this rat strain. Since the baseline levels of GFAP-immunoreactivity differ between brain regions, control rats and clinically normal littermates served as controls to judge relative increases in major structures. In the CA3 sector and hilus of the dorsal hippocampus, a massive gliosis was detected. In the cerebellum, a patchy increase of GFAP labelling in Bergmann glia was found. Further increases of GFAP-labelling in reactive astrocytes occurred in fiber tracts, the ventral thalamic nuclei, medial geniculate nuclei, pontine region and optic layer of the superior colliculus. Inconsistent changes were noted in cortex and pallidum. No defects of glial labelling or malformations in glial architectonics were found. The reactive changes of astroglial cells in hippocampus and cerebellum are in proportion to the neuronal degeneration. The glial reactions in the other brain regions possibly reflect a reaction to fiber degeneration and incipient neuronal degeneration or functional alterations of glial cells in response to neuronal dysfunction.