The 220 reflectivity curve of a 4 mm thick Si crystal is measured in asymmetric transmission (Laue) geometry. The crystal is bent to a radius varying from 24 to 138 m, and the analyzer is a nearly perfect Si(220) crystal in non-dispersive (+, -) arrangement. The full width at half-maximum of the reflectivity curves varies from 61 to 10-mu-rad, while that of a flat perfect crystal is 1.2-mu-rad, and the observed maximum reflectivity is about 60%. The calculated value is even higher, exceeding 80%. The bent crystal is used as an inverse-Cauchois monochromator, where the source of radiation is on the focusing circle. The effect of the beam divergence on the energy bandpass is eliminated, leaving only the contribution of the reflectivity curve. This can be matched to the desired resolution of the experiment by the choice of the thickness and asymmetry angle of the crystal. Compton-profile measurements from Ag and Au foils are used for a comparison of different monochromators. The bent-crystal monochromator provides 50 times more flux than the perfect Si(220) crystal and a better energy resolution than heat-treated Si(220) or mosaic Ge(220) crystals.