A new technique (palatopharyngoglossoplasty (PPGP)) has been developed for surgical treatment of patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). In 20 operated patients 18 reported immediate marked improvement of daytime sleepiness, alertness and vigilance during the day, and of working capacity. However, polysomnography carried out pre- and postoperatively showed that only 10 patients were "cured", defined as 50% or more reduction in apnea/hypopnea index (AHI). Cephalometric analysis pre- and postoperatively indicated that nonresponders had a long and narrow posterior airway space, and we suggest that during sleep this part of the upper airway collapses before as well as after the operation. The discrepancy between the subjective improvement observed after PPGP and the postoperative reduction in AHI may be due to reduced/eliminated snoring and/or improvement in sleep quality after the operation.