The article analyses specific pedagogical and psychological approaches to the phenomena of "preparedness" and "occupation". The concept of occupation and its component structure is presented. The purpose of occupation, its functions are specified and the conditions under which it is performed are set out. The author researches the problem of preparedness regarding occupation, in particular psychological preparedness regarding occupation which is a system of motivational, cognitive, emotional and conative components. In the system of preparedness by future merchant marine navigation officers for work motivational component will help to start using coping strategies at work, cognitive component will provide appropriative solutions, emotional component will generate positive attitude to the use of coping strategies, and conative component will provide the ability to focus on the use of coping-strategies. The problem of preparedness of using coping strategies by the future merchant marine navigation officers in their occupation is a complex pedagogical problem which includes content-related and activity-related aspects. Content-related aspect combines theoretical, methodological and systematic knowledge of basic ship theory, ship handling, navigation, world ocean waterways, ecology and environmental protection, basics of safety, survival in emergencies, sea resources management, hydrography, aids to navigation, electronic security systems for ships, religious tolerance in multinational crews, celestial navigation, meteorology, oceanography, cargo transportation theory, maritime law, ship propulsion and electrical equipment, application of international conventions on board, practice of navigational watch, modern automated vessel traffic control systems, navigation safety, organization and regulatory system of ship security, organization and management of the crew, English for professional purposes, etc. The contents of the training program for future merchant marine navigation officers has a complex structure which specifies a variety of research objectives and pedagogical phenomena. To solve a teaching problem in the process of future merchant marine navigation officers training it is necessary to take into account a large number of academic disciplines designed as preparation for future work and introduce new methods and technologies such as the use of coping-strategies. Activity-related aspect combines the ability to use new technologies at work. In this case a student can choose an appropriate coping-strategy which corresponds to his individual abilities.