Facial reconstruction of a man and a woman from the Early Bronze Age

Masnicova, Sona [1 ]
Miklikova, Zora [2 ]
Benus, Radoslav [3 ]
[1] Akad Policajneho Zboru Bratislave, Katedra Kriminalistiky & Forenznych Disciplin, Sklabinska 1, SK-83517 Bratislava, Slovakia
[2] Archeol Ustav SAV Nitre, SK-94921 Nitra, Slovakia
[3] Prirodovedecka Fak UK, Katedra Antropol, SK-84215 Bratislava, Slovakia
Slovakia; Early Bronze Age; Unetice culture; cemetery; 2D human facial reconstruction;
K85 [文物考古];
0601 ;
The article deals with a reconstruction of face from skulls of two adults - a middle-aged man from grave 80 and a young woman from grave 234 at the cemetery in Pata. The reconstruction drew on data acquired from osteological study. Drawings were made at two levels: norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis sinistra - for the man, norma frontalis (en face) and norma lateralis dextra - for the woman. The comparison of the recorded values of morphological and metric features of both individuals with average values recorded for the whole set indicates that typologically the man and the woman are typical representatives of the population which buried his dead in the Early Bronze Age at the cemetery in Pata. The results of anthropological study showed that morphologically it was a relatively homogeneous group of people. The recorded anthropological indexes, which generally characterise the proportionality of the body, sex and the affiliation of the individual to a certain morphological type, indicate that both men and women from the cemetery belonged to the so-called robust leptodolichomorfs or "nordics" with long and narrow skulls. The drawn facial reconstructions and results of anthropological study in Pata add to our picture of the carriers of the Unetice culture, which is also spread on the territory of southwest Slovakia. Drawing reconstructions are to a certain extent infuenced by the artistic creativity of their author, yet they were made on the basis of scientific data and render essential morphological features of the peoples of the Unetice culture.
页码:81 / 89
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