On 1991 October 29, the Galileo spacecraft provided the first in situ observations of an asteroid. To a significant degree, the successful encounter with asteroid 951 Gaspra was made possible by the high accuracy of the ground-based Gaspra ephemeris and the refinement to this initial ephemeris provided by the use of optical navigation images taken on board the spacecraft itself. The success of these celestial navigation efforts was dramatically demonstrated when Gaspra appeared in the central frame of the large mosaic of CCD images-less than one asteroid diameter from Gaspra's expected location in the camera's field of view. The corrections to Gaspra's ground-based ephemeris, based upon the optical on-board navigation images, were less than 80 km. The ground-based observation program that went into this ephemeris development is discussed and the accuracy of the ephemeris is used to validate the assumptions that went into the error analysis studies.