Two substantial elements, leadership and organizational change, are addressed in this work with the intention of highlighting its importance and relationship either conjugate in appropriate strategies, would point to the evolution of the organizations and the fulfillment of the objectives of contributing to a real sustainable development, especially based on the protection of the environment. The role of business as factors for progress in societies with a push commune should have references to the relevant social responsibility, compliance away from a half or worse, stands simulations. Leadership is important because it empowers the leader with the mission to achieve social awareness among members of the organization, which would affect a significant and democratic internal change, but also socially legitimate, which is also determined as a change in the culture of the organization. Leadership, organization, organizational culture, strategies, economic development and progress: To analyze this, a theoretical and commented on essentials breakdown occurs here. The vision of international organizations and several authors and studies are addressed to arrive at a strategic proposal for sustainability, while considering the issue remains unfinished to the current conditions of environmental degradation, social inequality, uncertainty and ambiguity.