The innovation presented consists of an application on a wiki-platform, created and administrated by INGOT Academy - Great Britain, as a method of evaluation and sharing of experience in the sphere of IT education. There have been developed quality and effective didactic instruments for project-based learning. Using teamwork in class, there have been created digital projects which respond to evaluation criteria formulated by employers from leading European corporations. The physical realization of the certifying starts in the computer lab and it is then transferred into the virtual space. The participants in the project include 60 high-school students, two of whom have special education needs, as well as finalists of the "1000 Stipends" project of Communitas Foundation. Each of them is given the chance to work according to their own abilities and speed. After the publication of the results on the wiki-platform, INGOT Academy - Great Britain, awards corresponding certificates for digital competences. Most of the students defend Gold-certificates which correspond to level 3 of the European Qualific ations Framework for Lifelong Learning, which enhances the mobility of the labour force in the EU.