The theme of ''fathers'' constitutes for Luke's writings, an important element that demonstrates the continuity between ancient Israel and the present course of the history of salvation; concretely, between the promises made to ''our father'' Abraham and their fulfi llment in the Christ event. The analysis of a series of Lucan texts (Lk 1:5455,72-73; 3:8; 16:19-31; Acts 3:13,25; 7:2-8,17) shows that Luke linked the paternity of Abraham with the promise of God, both interpreted by him in the perspective of the Messiah Jesus, the true descendent of Abraham who became the blessing for all peoples. In this way, Luke emphasizes the unity of God's plan and the linear development of the redemptive history which begins with Abraham, the father of Israel, and ends with the People of God (the Church) - the continuation of the people of Israel and the inheritor of the promises made to Abraham. Luke did not ''christianise'' the figure of Abraham. Nevertheless, the Abrahamic event is for all Christians, be they Jewish believers or pagan converts, the common heritage of the history of salvation. The historical reading of Luke accords therefore with the theological view of Paul (cf.Rom 4:11,16; Gal 3:7): if the descendents of Abraham according to the flesh can obtain salvation, through repentance and the acceptance of God's revelation brought by the Messiah Jesus, then pagans as well have the right to become spiritual children of Abraham, ''our father'', owing to faith in Christ and the inclusion into the People of God.