Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the growth and reproduction of three deep-burrowing lumbricids, Aporrectodea longa, Lumbricus terrestris, and Octolasion cyaneum. The reproductive output was recorded as 18.8, 38.0, and 32.3 cocoons per worm per year for A. longa, L. terrestris, and O. cyaneum, respectively. For the same species, maturity was reached at a mean mass of 3.9, 5.0, and 2.4 g, within 3 months from the hatchling stage by L. terrestris and within 4 months by the other two species. The hatching success of cocoons at 15 and 20-degrees-C was within the range of 70-80% for each species, except A. longa at the higher temperature, where a viability of 47% was recorded. Twenty percent of viable O. cyaneum cocoons produced twin hatchlings, compared with only one percent for A. longa and L. terrestris. A combination of these results suggests that a complete life-cycle for each species could be achieved within 6 months (L. terrestris and A. longa) or 7-8 months (O. cyaneum). Each species has particular life-cycle strategies that would aid survival and colonisation, under field conditions, if inoculated into restored soils.