This article is devoted to the analysis of modern scientific literature on the demography of Western Siberia in 1914-1923. Among the books and articles devoted to the population dynamics, works on Western Siberia have been analysed. The specific features of the modern period of demography historiography in Western Siberia, new methods and methodology of research are revealed. The works of historians A. A. Burmatov and N.M. Dmitrienko devoted to Kainsk and Tomsk, written from the position of local history for the study of large and small cities of Western Siberia, are analysed. Some articles are devoted to different aspects of natural population reproduction in Western Siberia: marriage, birth rate, mortality, territorial distribution of people, specific ethnic-demographical processes, social-class structure. The article presents the analysis of literature on the study of different nationalities and indigenous peoples of Western Siberia. In order to present the dynamics of the demographic processes in Western Siberia it is necessary to investigate the demographic development of indigenous peoples and national minorities, to underline the problem of rising and falling numbers of native and alien population. It is noted in the article that research papers on the study of large and small cities of Western Siberia are important for the study of the issues of population dynamics are. The actual material of these works makes it possible to trace the development of the cities, the growth and decrease of the urban population, the differences between the gender and age structure of urban and rural residents, and to show their specifics. Great attention is paid to the works of historians V.A. Zverev, V.A. Isupov, N.M. Dmitrienko, Yu.M. Goncharov, V.I. Pronin, L.M. Goryushkin who studied the demographic processes in Western Siberia during the First World War and the Civil War. Drawing on the wide range of sources, a number of authors explore the migration flows of refugees and prisoners of war, reveal their number and influence on the demographic processes of the population reproduction in Western Siberia. On the basis of these materials the dynamics of the total number of the region's population is studied and observed. Thus, during the post-Soviet period problems of dynamics of the population in the period of imperialism are studied; the overall dynamics of urban-rural population are considered with an account of demographic transitions. The period of the First World War and the Civil War is studied less. Crisis processes in the demographic sphere, the pace of the population growth and its dynamics, the natural and mechanical movement of the population are studied including Eastern Siberia. Some works considered the composition of the indigenous population, the main characteristics of demographic processes, the national composition of the population of Western Siberia. Researchers paid main attention to the problem of national minorities, as well as of the population of towns and cities. The dynamics data and the correlation of the urban and rural population of the region are well known, general conclusions about the main characteristics of the demographic processes in the region during the wars and revolutions are made. However, there are no works on the dynamics of the indigenous peoples and national minorities, urban and rural population, refugees of the First World War, refugees from starvation in 1920-1921, migrants, prisoners of war in this period on the region. Also, it is noted that the picture of the demographic development of Western Siberia in 1914-1923 as a complex has not been considered by Russian scholars. Individual aspects of the problem have been studied with various degrees of depth; there is only a small number of publications devoted to the particular issue and the region. Thus, the study of the population dynamics of Western Siberia in 19141923 as a holistic and integrated phenomenon is relevant and is of interest to study.