Because AIDS has been identified as a major source of stress among gay men, coping models may contribute to an understanding of factors related to changes in and failure to change sexual behavior. Gay men in Long Beach, California, were surveyed to determine whether appraisal and coping are factors in efforts to reduce transmission risk for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Factor analysis of the appraisal and coping items yielded factor structures similar to those reported by earlier coping investigators and that were differentially associated with reported reductions in risk for HIV transmission and with reported intent to engage in high- and low-risk sexual behaviors. Risk-reduction efforts and intent were associated with health-threat (to self or to partner) primary appraisals, secondary appraisals that respondents could change or do something about AIDS, and the coping factors of self-control, seeking social support, and confrontive coping (expression of anger). In addition, intent to engage in relatively high-risk behavior was associated with passive coping (acceptance). These results are discussed in terms of their relevance for risk-reduction education programs and for future research.