It was experimentally studied that the stabilization mechanism of turbulent, lifted jet flames in a non-premixed condition to reveal the newly found liftoff height behavior of hydrogen jet. The objectives are to report the phenomenon of a liftoff height decreasing as increasing fuel velocity, to analyse the flame structure and behavior of the lifted jet, and to explain the mechanisms of flame stability in hydrogen turbulent non-premixed jet flames. The hydrogen jet velocity was changed from 100 to 300m/s and a coaxial air velocity was fixed at 16m/s with a coflow air less than 0.1m/s. For the simultaneous measurement of velocity field and reaction zone, PIV and OH PLIF technique was used with two Nd:Yag lasers and CCD cameras. As a result, it was found that the stabilization of lifted hydrogen diffusion flames is correlated with a turbulent intensity and Karlovitz number.