Dental development stages of six immature Australopithecus robustus individuals from Swarktrans (SK 61, SK 62, SK 63, SK 64, SK 438, SK 3978) and seven immature Australopithecus africanus individuals from Taung, Sterkfontein, and Makapans (Taung 1, Sts 2, Sts 8, Sts 18, Sts 24, Stw 327, MLD 2) are described. These stages were assessed using the system devised by Demirjian and colleagues and were based on a data set comprising over 350 computed tomographic (CT) scans taken at 1 and 2 mm slice intervals. It is concluded that patterns of dental development may have differed between A. robustus and A. africanus even though the chronology of development (i.e., the length of time for dental development to occur) may have proceeded relatively rapidly in both species. These data provide unique information regarding the timing and pattern of dental maturation in australopithecines and can be used to compare and contrast developmental patterns among early hominids, modern humans, and nonhuman primates.