Remains of bipedal saurischians from lacustrine strata of Albian age in the Alxa (''Alashan'') Desert of Inner Mongolia represent a new taxon and the most complete remains of an Early Cretaceous theropod so far discovered in Asia. A skeletal reconstruction generally resembles that of a moderately large prosauropod with long arms and a short tail. However, in its detailed morphology the reptile appears to be close to the ancestry of the Therizinosauridae Maleev, 1954 (for which Segnosauridae Perle, 1979 is probably a junior synonym). These theropods are best referred to the Tetanurae of Gauthier, 1986. However, a provisional analysis of the distribution of therizinosauroid characters within tetanurans suggests the existence of two subordinate groups: the Carnosauria (Allosaurus, dromaeosaurids, and tyrannosaurids) and the Oviraptorosauria (including therizinosauroids, ornithomimids, troodontids, and oviraptorids).