Mt Zion Hosp & Med Ctr, Enadimangalam, India
Langley Porter Hosp, San Francisco, CA USA
Mt Crest Hosp, Ft Collins, CO 80528 USAMt Zion Hosp & Med Ctr, Enadimangalam, India
This article explores the use of art and poetry during the Authentic Movement (AM) process. A form of AM is introduced called 'timelessness', which has no designated witnesses, and allows the participants to flow between movement, writing, art and witnessing; as one wishes. The author discusses and illustrates the effects of ageing in her participation. She touches upon her insights and the benefits of her practice.
CG Jung Inst San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94109 USA
Santa Barbara Grad Inst, Somat Psychol Doctoral Program, Santa Barbara, CA USA
Calif Inst Integral Studies, Express Arts Therapies Dept, San Francisco, CA USA
Marion Woodman Fdn, Santa Cruz, CA USACG Jung Inst San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94109 USA