The aim of this article is the search of rational suite of factors which have a significant impact on various aspects of the educational institution, and the development model of brand management system which is based on these factors. To achieve this aim the following tasks were formulated and solved: - the analysis of main factors that adequately describe activities of the university was fulfilled; - the suite of factors of influene on the state of the university brand, was selected from the lists of main factors which present its functioning; - the approach of estimation brand current status which is the multi-component model was presented; - the vision of brand management on the basis of balanced indicators which include necessary value was described; - the features of the brand educational services were identified in the field of the fashion design. The results of the analysis. First the multi-component model of balanced brand management of the higher institution was proposed. For the creation of the model the factors that have the greatest impact on the brand were used. These factors must describe the different directions of educational institutions functioning process as fully as possible and must have minimal interaction with each other. The suite of main factors that characterize the functioning of a modern university can be represented by the variety of options. As one of the direction model uses the consolidated rating, based on the materials of the international agency ''Webometrics'' and rating tables from Ukrainian agencies which represented by the ''Rating of Ukrainian higher educational institutions from ''The money'' Journal'' and ''Summary rating of Ukrainian universities ''Compass 2012''. Another direction is represented by the ''Scientific-methodical and professional base. Technological facilities of equipping''. In the third direction is used complex factor ''Activity of team. Distributed management strategy. Cultural, social and living factors''. Chosen strategy of gradual phased optimization allows reduce the interdependence of factors sequentially, stage by stage, and increase the granularity of the model by taking into account more factors of influence. It is shown that the estimation of the brand of educational services of specialization ''fashion design'' of the fashion industry is highly sensitive to the choice of indicator systems, as it depends on fast-moving processes of the fashion industry and needs of harmonization with advanced management tools of fashion-design branding. Student participation in such events the fashion industry, as the Ukrainian Fashion Week (Ukrainian Fashion Week, UFW), in competitions of young designers, in festivals and fashion shows of local and national importance, should be taken into account in the preparation of system of indicators for evaluating such factors as university tradition, loyalty of alumni, quality of student life. As a special indicators in the direction of the business processes of the fashion industry can be offered the number of participants of festivals and competitions, divided by total number of students in the relevant specialization, the number of prize-holders and winners in other events of fashion industry. Conclusions and directions of further researches. To enhance the abilities of practical application of the multi-component system brand management of universities is required to solve the problem of finding an effective suite of indicators for each direction of estimation. In this case, the specific features of knowledge sphere and specialization must be taken into account.