Globalisation, which has integrated the whole world into a unit by a vast range of regulatory regime, has led to the emergence of a global state through international institutions. These institutions regulate the social, economic and political life of states. Therefore it has led to the emergence of the concept of Global Governance. This concept of Global Governance has led to development of the concept of Global Administrative Law (GAL). This GAL concept is based on the idea of understanding global governance as administration, which can be organised and shaped by principles of an administrative law character. In this way GAL is related to trans-governmental regulation and administration designed to address the consequences of globalised interdependence in such fields as security, trade conditions on development and financial assistance, banking and financial regulations, Intellectual Property Rights, Labour standards and cross-border movements of populations, including refugees. Isolated national regulations cannot govern these different areas and administrative measures and therefore various transnational systems of regulation or regulatory co-operation have been established through international treaties and organisations. To implement these regulations, transnational administrative bodies-including international organisations and informal groups of officials that perform administrative functions, are established. However these institutions are not directly subject to control by national governments or domestic legal systems or, in the case of treaty-based regimes, the states party to the treaty. However their regulatory decisions may be implemented directly against private parties by the global regime or more commonly through implementing measures at the national level. This situation has led to the question of accountability, fairness and transparency and due process in the functioning of these bodies. GAL is developed in response to this question, which attempts to extend the application of domestic administrative law to intergovernmental regulatory decisions that affect a nation.