The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency and prognostic factors in local recurrences of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Local recurrences occurred in 2 % of this series and are quoted as 4 % - 13 % in the literature. The risk of developing locally recurrent disease was associated with patient age, extent and size of the tumour, types of surgical treatment, and AGES score. The risk was greatest within the first 5 years after initial operation, but local recurrences continued to occur throughout the entire time of follow-up. Survival was influenced by the site of recurrence, in the thyroid remnant, or in the bed of a totally resected thyroid lobe in surrounding tissues. Bilateral resection, consisting of ipsilateral total lobectomy with a controlateral subtotal or near total lobectomy would seem to avoid the high risk of local recurrences following unilateral resection and possible recurrent nerve damage and hypoparathyroidism following total thyroidectomy.