This text is concerned with the commentary of Bohuslav Martinu on Frantisek Bartos and Leos Janacek's Moravian Folksongs Newly Collected (1901) and its Janacek's introduction On Musical Aspects of Moravian National Songs, which in 1954-5 Martinu outlined in letters to Zdenek Zouhar (16 November, 1954), Jaroslav Prochazka (8 January, 1955) and Policka (6 January, 1955). These serve to demonstrate the origins of Bohuslav Martinu's essay On Janacek. Milos Safranek, the editor, thus entitled the 8 January letter to Prochazka when he reproduced it in the book of B. Martinu's texts called Home, Music and the World (1966).