Objective: Postpartum depression could be a chronicle, repetitive and progressive disease if it doesn't treated, it decreases woman's life quality and it increases suicidal attempts of women and giving harm to own baby risks. Postpartum depression should be diagnosed in early period and should be interfered for prevent negative effects to woman and her family. This research was performed in a descriptive way to determine the frequency of postnatal depression on women and effecting factors of it. Material and Method: The universe of the study was consisted of women who gave birth in Gazi University Hospital and 214 women took place in the sampling. The data was collected with a questionnaire form prepared by researchers and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Percentage and chi-square tests were applied for data analysis. Results: In the study, 65.9% of women are in 25-34 age group, 58.9% of them are university and upper graduated, 94.9% of them have nuclear family. 23.4% of women have postnatal depression risk. It was determined that socio-demographic characteristics (age, education level, economical status, family type, working status, job) didn't effect postnatal depression risk (p>0.05). Also some variables, which were signified that effected postnatal depression risk at literature, in pregnancy (parity, status of planned pregnancy or not, living a health problem in pregnancy period, feeling ready to motherhood or not), birth (way of birth) and postnatal period (taking support for baby care or not, health problem of baby) didn't found significant (p>0.05). It is established that; women who want to give up pregnancy, don't take adequate support during pregnancy, don't feel adequate ownself as a mother and experience breast problems at postpartum period had high risk postnatal depression than others (p< 0.05). Conclusions: It is suggested that, preventing unwanted pregnancies, noticing and solving postnatal problems of mother and baby in early period, giving counsultancy and education for postnatal adaptation to women, determining women about postnatal depression risks and taking preventing cautions by health staff.