The rate of phospholipid turnover in erythrocyte membranes in vivo has been studied using a recently developed procedure (Kuypers, F.A., Easton, E.W., van den Hoven, R., Wensing, T., Roelofsen, B., Op den Kamp, J.A.F. and van Deenen, L.L.M. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 819, 170-178). The technique is based on the application of phospholipid transfer proteins in order to introduce trace amounts of radiolabelled phospholipids in the membrane of isolated erythrocytes, followed by re-injection of the erythrocytes into the bloodstream of the animal. The most abundant species of the phosphatidylcholine (PC) class, 1-palmitoyl,2-linoleoyl PC, has, on the basis of loss of the radioactivity in its fatty acyl part, a relatively high turnover with a half-time value of 1.5 days. Other PC species studied exhibit more moderate turnover rates of about 5 days for 1-palmitoyl,2-oleoyl PC and 1-stearoyl,2-arochidonoyl PC. Dipalmitoyl PC, labelled in the polar headgroup, turns over at a slow rate with a half-time value of 9 days. From these data and the relative abundance of the various species, it can be calculated that, on a daily basis in vivo, about one third of the total PC pool in rabbit erythrocyte membranes is replaced and/or modified by de-/reacylation. The only phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) species studied so far, 1-palmitoyl,2-arachidonoyl PE, appeared to be renewed at a relatively low rate with a half-time value of 12 days. The data demonstrate that the in vivo turnover values of phospholipids in the erythrocyte membrane may depend on their polar head group structure, their localization in the membrane and, to a large extent, on their fatty acid composition.