The effect of substance P (SP) and the SP antagonist [D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9]SP on basal ventilation was investigated in halothane-anesthetized rats. Microinjections of SP (0.4-1.5 nmol) into the ventrolateral medulla oblongata (VLM), (nuclei gigantocellularis, facialis, ambiguus, and reticularis lateralis) or into the dorsomedial medulla oblongata (DM, nucleus tractus solitarius) and its ventral surroundings dose dependently increased tidal volume (VT) and/or minute ventilation. In sensitive areas, the ventilatory stimulation was initiated within minutes, peaked around 8-10 min, and slowly returned to normal over 30-45 min after the injection. In the VLM sites, the increase in VT was generally accompanied by a decrease in respiratory frequency (f), whereas in the DM, f increased in parallel with VT. Furthermore, within the VLM, the respiratory response patterns differed with the definite location of the SP injection. A shortening of inspiratory time was observed in the ventromedial part, the ventrolateral portion of the nucleus paragigantocellularis and ventral to the nucleus facialis. In contrast, a lengthening of expiratory time was seen when SP was injected or applied more laterally along the ventral portion of nucleus facialis and near or directly on the ventral medullary surface. Application of [D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9]SP before or after SP completely antagonized the excitatory effects of SP on ventilation. The SP antagonist administered into the VLM decreased the ventilatory response to hypoxic breathing but caused no change during hyperoxic conditions. However, when [D-Pro2, D-Trp7,9]SP was applied locally onto the ventrolateral portion of the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata, a marked ventilatory depression and apnea occurred within minutes in some animals. We conclude that SP in the ventrolateral medulla oblongata plays an important role in the maintenance of normal respiratory activity. In particular, SP has a regulatory effect on respiratory drive but may also influence timing mechanisms in different ways depending on the location in the medulla.