Problem considered: Stroke or Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is the leading cause of death and disability and is a major problem in most part of the world as reported by WHO. Aims: To estimate the clinico-epidemiological profile of acute stroke cases admitted in Assam Medical College and Hospital. Methods: All consecutive cases attending the study site were enrolled and studied with predesigned questionnaires after obtaining ethical clearance for this observational study. Predesigned pretested questionnaire was used to assess socio-demographic profile, behavioural risk factor, health care seeking behaviour, dietary history, clinical examination along with routine blood examination and CT Scan. Statistical analysis was done using rates, ratio, proportion and chi-square test. Results: Out of 470 cases enrolled the response rate was 96%. Average age was 54.3 +/- 13 years with an average monthly income of Rs. 10,831. Majority were literate (76.4%). Majority presented with haemorrhagic cerebro-vascular accidents (CVA) (287, 63.6%), while 164 (36.4%) had ischemic CVA. Significant difference in prevalence of haemorrhagic and ischemic CVA in younger age group (p = 0.001), lower socio-economic strata (p = 0.001), patient's place of stay during symptom onset (p = 0.048) and mode of transportation to hospital (p = 0.021) was seen. Clinical signs and symptoms of ischemic and haemorrhagic CVA showed significant difference in symptoms like change in consciousness (p = 0.000), weakness in face/limb (p = 0.022), dysphagia (p = 0.042), headache (p = 0.006), diabetes (p = 0.001), tobacco consumption (p = 0.000) and alcohol consumption (p = 0.000). MLR showed significant association of haemorrhagic stroke with high salt consumption and loss of consciousness. Conclusion: haemorrhagic CVA constitutes a larger percentage of stroke subtypes on this side of the globe effecting poor to lower middle class. Proper strategy to prevent and treat haemorrhagic CVA in this part of the world is the need of the hour. (c) 2017 Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India, Pvt. Ltd on behalf of INDIACLEN.