Information Systems for management in Public Health are composed of a set of elements that allow the flow of data to be transformed into information, seeking support services and decision-making. The health services, particulary public health, is closely associated with the information, allowing management tools in public health beneficing decision-making in several areas that have to do with the operation of an organization service provider, which is the subsequent result of any system related decisions. The information produced by these must be consistent with the organization systems, hence there are functions inherent in the procedures and therefore its results should lead to the achievement of the objectives by which the systems were created, been this administrative, managerial or any nature. Finding solutions to potential crises and challenges and the need to upgrade the hospital systems and ambulatory network are processes of change in the health sector, and it requires the availability of actual data at various levels: for efficiency and quality of the process, knowledge, assigning control the flow of resources, the hospital budget interaction with the healthcare network and social environment. All these elements of management health should converge in the budget planned as an expression of the goals that each organizational, clinical or administrative component at any level of the health system of the State, under certain assumptions of equity, efficiency, effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction.