The study is carried out to identify protean and boundaryless career attitudes of employees and determine whether the attitudes differ in terms of employees' features. The universe consists of the employees in four service sectors (tourism, finance, education and health) in Nevsehir. Questionnaire technique is used in the study and 308 applicable questionnaire forms are gathered. In order to determine whether the attitudes of protean and boundaryless career differ in terms of employees' features, one-way Anova and independent-samples t-test are used. After the analyses; while the attitudes of "selfdirected" dimension of protean career differ in terms of number of children, occupation and income, those of "values-driven" dimension differ in terms of occupation, income and status Moreover, while the attitudes of "psychological mobility" dimension of boundaryless career differ in terms of sector, those of "physical mobility" dimension differ in terms of age and occupation.