To enhance gas turbine combustor performance and emissions characteristics, better design methods need to be developed. In the present investigation, an emission model that simulates a detailed chemical kinetic scheme has been developed to provide the rate of reactions of the parent fuel all intermediate hydrocarbon compound, Co, and H-2. The intermediate fuel has variable carbon and hydrogen contents depending on depending on operating conditions, that were selected in tire development effort to stimulate actual operation of rich/lean, diffusion flame, and lean combustor concepts The developed reaction rate expressions address also tile limited reaction rates that may occur in the near-wall regions of the combustor due to die admittance of radial hardtops and cooling air in these regions. The validation effort included the application of the developed model to a combustor simulated by a multiple-reactor arrangement. The results indicate the accurate duplication of the calculations obtained from the detailed kinetic scheme using the developed model. This illustrates dir great potential of using such a unified approach to guide the design of various types of combustor to meet the more stringent emissions and performance requirements of next-generation gas turbine engines.