The ambition of the proposed study is to contribute to the field of history of social work in the wider sense of this term. Amongst its milestones is undoubtedly the foundation and early development of Christianity which includes both the biblical period and the period of apostle fathers and apologetics. According to the testimony of the First Epistle of Clement and The Shepherd of Hermas, in the period of apostle fathers, the practical doing of good became one of the basic ethical principles and the imperative of Christians' lives and the Christian community. Early Christian scripts, Shepherd of Hermas and Justin's apology of Christians, mention a very narrow link between the religious fasting tradition, celebration of Eucharist and practical help addressed to the poor, orphans, widows, sick and prisoners. Christian faith became one of the most important motives and the imperative of social help for everybody who needed help. In the source materials, we can also find brief testimonies about a certain form of organization of social help in the Christian community. According to the testimonies of Ignatius, Polykarpos, Justin and the apostle tradition, the social help in early church was organized, and the central coordinating role was performed by the local church authorities, either presbyters or the bishop in cooperation with deacons. They were particularly responsible for helping the sick and poor.