Purpose: To evaluate the results of strabismus surgery with anterior ciliary arteria preservation. Material and Methods: Who attended to the strabismus division between 2000-2004, 12 patients (7 male, 5 female), between the age of 20-76 (mean, 39.1 +/- 20.01) years, who have systemic or ocular risk factors such as hypertension atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and who are undergone strabismus surgery involving 3 or 4 muscles in the same eye are included in this study. We preserved 28 anterior ciliary vessels in 15 recti muscles of 12 patients. All operations were carried out under the operation microscope. All patients were evaluated for anterior segment ischemia (ASI) under biomicroscopy, preoperative and postoperative 1. day, 1. week, 1. 3. 6. months. Only 4 patients were evaluated for ASI via iris fluorescein angiography, preoperatively and postoperatively on the 1. day. The mean follow up time was 9.09 +/- 6.36 (6-24) months. Resuts: The duration of the whole procedure (arteria preservation+recession, resection or transposition) ranged between 18 to 24 (mean 20.86 +/- 2.12) minute per muscle. None of the patients revealed neither clinical signs nor iris fluorescein angiography findings of ASI preoperatively and postoperatively. Conclusion: Although preservation of anterior ciliary vessels are techniqually difficult and is time consuming, it is on effective procedure in preventing ASI.