This article provides an overview of the results from the 2nd International Research Colloquium in Dance Therapy, in Pforzheim, Germany, February 10th and 11th, 2006. Thirty-nine researchers from 14 countries worldwide presented their projects at this international conference of the BTD (Berufsverband der TanztherapeutInnen Deutschlands, e.V.) in cooperation with the GTF (German Society for Dance Research). Next to empirical studies, theoretical and methodological aspects were adressed. Effectiveness studies specifically supported dance/movement therapy treatment for depressed patients (Gronlund, Renck, & Vabo, 2006; Gunther & Holter, 2006), and for oncology patients (Mannheim & Weis, 2006). The usefulness of D/MT assessments for persons suffering from schizophrenia (Cruz & Lausberg, 2006), in parent-child interaction (Trautmann-Voigt & Zander, 2006), in artistic (Allegranti, 2006), intercultural (Tepayay-one, 2006), and other contexts was further validated. Selected results of the research colloquia are compiled in the recent peer reviewed volume Advances in Dance/Movement Therapy. Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Findings (Koch, & Brauninger, 2006).