The geographical space in which there is unrolled a social concrete reality, turns out to be composed for a studding of social relations inherent in his processes and own characteristics. From the social and urban development consideration, for the intervention in a community is needed an integral vision, which he should consider to be the whole space in his set, without stopping paying attention to the interaction between the urban thing and the social thing, in that they turn out to be practical and diverse activities, which they can help or harm the programs destined for the community intervention. We speak about social practices, about diversity, but also about social segregation, inequality and exclusion. The educational centers located in environments of social problematics do not remain to the margin of certain problems, from the moment in which the concentration of a high number of pupils with a social complex situation impedes his educational practice; it favours the ghetto and the lack of social integration. The work in network between different services, the opening of the school to the neighbourhood, the organization and coordination of the professionals and the community they appear as a viable solution to generate a process of social positive change.